
Gut Health and Hormones

February 14, 2024

Gut Health and Hormones

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I'm MEL!

I'm a Registered Nurse turned Functional health, mindset, and weight-loss resistance coach. I use a root-cause approach to healing your body, understanding your mind and embracing your emotional body to learn what is blocking you from losing weight and keeping it off. 


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Podcast episode 68: How to create a healthy gut and hormone balance.

Last year, I found myself feeling lost in my own body leading to my discovery of the connection between gut health and hormones. Despite eating healthy and exercising regularly, I gained weight, especially around my abdomen, which was unusual for me. I felt confused and frustrated, asking myself, “What went wrong?” But then, I realized that instead of dwelling on negativity, I should ask, “What can I do to feel better?” You can listen to this entire episode, Mindfully Well with Mel right here.

Gut health starts in your mind.

This question led me on a fascinating journey to explore the powerful connection between gut health and hormones. Through testing and self-reflection, I discovered that an unhealthy gut was the root cause of my struggles. I had gut imbalances, leaky gut, and even an H. Pylori infection, all of which were impacting my digestion, causing inflammation, and hindering my body’s ability to properly detoxify hormones.

The domino effect:

  • Unhealthy Gut: Poor digestion and increased inflammation.
  • Leaky Gut: Heightened sensitivity to gluten and other foods.
  • Stress: Further weakened gut health and exacerbated issues.
  • Overloaded Liver: Unable to detoxify estrogen due to compromised gut function.
  • Constipation: Re-absorption of estrogen, leading to dominance.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Symptoms like unexplained weight gain and discomfort.

Healing the Gut, Balancing Hormones:

By addressing the root cause – my gut – I experienced incredible improvements. Within a month, I lost weight, reduced inflammation, and most importantly, felt like I was truly back in my own body. This incredible turnaround highlighted the critical role of gut health in overall well-being and how gut issues can often manifest as hormonal imbalances.

This isn’t just my story; it’s a call to action!

I encourage you to explore your own gut-hormone connection and take steps towards healing. The Live Well Project is the perfect program to begin and if you want something to start on your own, try my 7-day whole food reset.


  • It’s never too late to feel better.
  • Focus on positive action, not blame.
  • Seek professional guidance and testing if needed.

By understanding the gut-hormone connection and taking proactive steps, you can unlock a path to greater balance, vitality, and a body that truly feels like your own. Remember, you have the power to heal!

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I'm Melissa, RN turned functional health, mindset and weight-loss resistance coach.

I’ve been where you are. Burned out. Over-worked and under-nourished. Now, I’ve helped hundreds of women feel incredible in their bodies, gain the energy they’ve been craving to keep up with their busy lives, and become the healthiest versions of themselves using my proven methods.

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A six-month program to balance your hormones, manage stress, increase your energy, and achieve lifelong weight loss.

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